Thursday, May 23, 2024

Square State Ruminations 2 November 2023


    EDIT I started these  in October, only to discover in December that someone else has been doing it better, and creating memes with waterfalls. I don't know how to make memes, but I'm posting these anyway.

       The EMERGENCY EMAIL ALERT reads:  RECALL Ham, pet food and eye drops. Is this a riddle? What do these items have in common that would cause a recall? I have so many questions...

      Today is a day I want to leave my badge and keys on my desk, load my David Bowie and Carrie Fischer posters into my car and move to Delta, Colorado and work from home.

     "Never give up, never surrender" is bullshit. Give up. Go home. Nobody cares. 

    There are no remaining practitioners of common sense left in any  professions run by those who have chosen to give up common sense out of fear, or in pursuit of money or power. I recommend that everyone still possessing this endangered trait move to a remote mountain town and run it properly. Cut off all contact with the rest of the loonies and live your life. Live our lives. As I count myself as one of the dying breed of Common Sense Practitioners

   Sometimes you sit down to write a thought that you believe will sound funny when read out loud. Then you realize that writing it made it real, and the reality is that you are depressed. 

   Shakespeare died at 52. He was an old man.

   The broken education system has weaponized educators' kindness, rendering us unable to fight for our own rights. We cannot stand up for better pay or argue against insane edicts because we will be perceived as selfish people who are harming the students we teach.

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