Thursday, May 23, 2024

Fall 2023 innna nutshell


    Trying to think around the bug in a jar analogy.

    All high schools should have All Of The Things. At Littleton those things made me batty. There were only a handful of kids who truly engaged in extra curriculars, and we all fought over them. I don't care how many students are enrolled in a building, not everyone wants to join a club. The solution isn't to add more clubs so everyone feels involved. All that does is stress out the kids who already do theatre, choir, newspaper, yearbook, FBLA and swimming because you've now added sewing club. Now the poor kid is robbing Peter to pay Paul and can't .commit to any club fully, and is actually more stressed out an unable to give 100% to any of the clubs they have joined.

    What this has to do with a bug in a jar is a mystery, I started writing this in the fall and it's now May, and I have no clue what I was talking about. 


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