Friday, June 3, 2016

3 June, 2016: The First Bunny Victim is Found

Gatos Diablos 16.

  As I have posted previously, I am quite aware that I am not using Spanish correctly. I just find it funnier this way.  I like the timber and syntax, and I can hear Martin Buchanan's "Monster Truck" voice when I write it. "Gatos Diablos".
   The Devil Cats are back.
   The first victim was stumbled upon at 8.35 am, MST, on the back patio.  Its head was gone and its internal organs had also been removed, and were displayed next to the body. The head was not in sight. The victim, a medium sized Green Mountain bunny, looked like the other thousand bunnies running around. S/he had no notable markings other than the missing head. The murderer was curled up at the edge of the Tarantino scene, calmly awaiting her reward for saving our home from this fuzzy menace. 
   What she received, instead, was my yearly impression of a Jersey bodgea owner washing the blood off of the cement with the garden hose. With the added suburban element of keeping the dogs away from eating the intestines.
    What do they do with the heads?
     Every year I ask this question.
    This year, the coyotes have returned--huzzzAH! And there have been fox sightings--also huzzah! Due to mange, we haven't had fox up here in a few years, hence the bunny menace and the morning power wash. The cats were simply stepping in where the fox and coyote left off. I thought, that since the natural predators had seemed to return, that the cats would have less interest, or competition, or less prey.

     A few years ago, it was birds and mice and large rats. We had a family of fox living next door, and the cats would bring their prey to our porch, and drop it. The next morning, or later in the day, the dead had been removed. I realized that, with a family of baby fox next door, my cats should be disappearing. But they weren't, and we figured out that they had an arrangement with the fox family. The cats caught birds and mice, left them at our door, and under cover of darkness the baby foxes (foxes, is that right? Plural? That looks wrong) would retrieve their dinner.
   AH-HA! The cats are smart! They were feeding the fox family and saving their own hides! Very clever, gatos!

   But then there were no more fox families, no fox adults, nothing. And that was when the bunny corpses began to arrive.
    Without a food chain-self preservation arrangement, I am at a loss as to why the cats A) escalated to bunnies and B) still leave them on the patio. That is when I formulated the gang theory. They are leaving the headless bunnies as a warning. But to who I still do not know.
      One morning last summer---it's in a blog somewhere---I came out to what appeared to be two disemboweled bunnies on the patio and two more on the deck! That was a true Tarantino, you gotta get the body count up there.  As usual they were headless, heads nowhere to be found. I stopped coming out on the deck in the morning to write as the stench was overpowering.  See, I'll power wash  the patio and deck, but that's it. If the dogs don't eat the remains, or at least move them, they just stay in my yard.  A Big Bunny Burial Ground, except for the burying. It's just a body dump. My back yard is the Colorado version of the East River.
    But today, there are fox sightings, and I hear coyotes. And I see thousands of bunnies daily, hopping everywhere, twitching their noses and flashing their tails. I feel like Anya "What's with all the carrots, why do they need such good eyesight for anyway?" They are kind of a scourge.  Maybe the cats are doing a public service.

   We'll see. This was only one victim.

    Here is the murderous devil hiding behind the deck. Or awaiting her next prey....YES! She jumped on the dog as he passed! And returned to her spot and....YES! She lept upon  a fellow Diablo who just wanted to pass through.          

Image may contain: cat
 Do not be fooled by her small size or pretty face. She is the most lethal of the three.

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