Monday, January 21, 2013

Take Three

I posted the blog below at a different address yesterday because my original blog address had been disabled, So Saith Gmail Gods. I tried to post the new address and it didn't work.Then today I just thought it'd be fun to go back into the old blog address, you know, see if I can transfer the old blogs to the new address...and here I am, posting, UNDISABLED.

This leads me to my current rant: Codes. Why the frack do I have to have a code for everything, always? School email, home email, Infinite Campus, Blogs, KAISER Permanente, to order lamps or costumes. Sheesh. I thought I was being clever by making all the codes the same two options, but what screwed me up on google blog was that I didn't remember I had to ALSO recall a different EMAIL address for google as well as the one I have for comcast. I am racist against codes and computers, because I still believe that SkyNet is going to take over, so why bother with all the codes? None of it is going to matter when we're living underground, running from the machines.

So, today I had to call Kaiser to get G and H added to my plan. That was fine, but somewhere along the line I have misplaced  MY Kaiser card. I have a disorder, and if I can't see something I don't have it any more. It's possible I cleverly squirreled it away in a file somewhere, but I cannot recall where. So while I'm at it, I ask if they can send me a replacement. To which they reply "Sure, what is your Health Record Number?" This is the number on my card. I pointed that out to the young man on the phone, and he was quite amicable about it. Apparently there are many of us Doddering Forties out there who still cannot seem to master this crazy InterWeb shennanegins. He believed me when I told him my name and birthday and address, which I feel anyone wishing to steal my identity would know. I have a vague recollection of signing up for KP.Org and having a "safety question", which this young man did not ask me. What is the point of the codes and the safety question if I can just call and identify myself in the first place?

Anyway, a different KP employee with a different click and a female voice signed up the girls, and asked if I wished to choose a physician. My reply was this : "Why do I need to do that? I had a physcial in June, I already have a physician."  She replies "Oh" and I hear clicking on her keyboard. She tells me my physician has a closed practice and I cannot be added (why do I need to be added, I SAW her already) but that I can go to KP.Org and send a note to the physician, reminding her that she already saw me and ask her to add me to her practice. I agree to her terms, and log onto KP.Org.

I cannot access my account without my Health Record Number, which I still do not have because it is on my card that is lost.

See how the InterWeb is making all of our lives so much better? Enriching them, I'd say.

But I see this as an opportunity to change doctors, becuase frankly the doc seemed rushed and not very interested in me. Which was disappointing, because she is a D.O. and I like them more than regualr MD's. In fact, I think she did not care for me at all. I kept asking stupid, inane questions about arthritis treatment and answering her questions about Past Medical History. She did not want to hear my accapella rendition of "Little Bird" by Annie Lennox or ask even once my opinions on western medicine! So I may as well just pick another doc since the opportunity has arisen. See how I make everything work out to my advantage? Lemonade from lemons and all that. That's me! As positive as a lemon is yellow. Yes, I will do so by walking into the KP clinic and speaking to a person. That'll learn 'em.


20 Jan
So I still have a blog, I guess, but it's not the same address.


Well, I told you this would happen. See, I had a tech on Saturday and I thought I'd use the time to write since the show doesn't need me yet. I got on my desktop at school.

Five minutes and five email addresses and passwords later, Google disabled my blog.

Because I had no idea what my email address was for gmail, or what the password was.


So here we are! I'm creating a new blog while Jeff Dunham's bio is playing behind me.

So am I supposed to reload the other posts from before? Why am I bothering? Because I'm never going to be on the Tonight Show. Clearly Jeff Dunham has been on the Tonight Show. I can hear his parents talking about it behind me.  They got upset because he cussed on the Tonight Show. I can't imagine telling your son that you were disappointed with his language after his first appearance on Johnny Carson. I mean...he was on JOHNNY CARSON! You should be proud of him, not fussing at him because he said hell and damn.

The Jeff Dunham bio is called 'Birth of a Dummy'. Which makes sense because he's a ventriloquist. I fear mine will be called 'Birth of a Dummy' as well, but I am not a ventriloquist. I am just a dummy.

Trying this again, whee!!

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