Friday, July 26, 2024

My Last Year Teaching


    26 July 2024

    I have to return to the building on 31 July for meetings. Students arrive 7 August. This will be year 22.

    There will not be a year 23.

     I have promised myself for my own mental health to set the deadline.

      In the words of Salieri "I'm slowly watching myself become extinct".

      I did everything right. I brought the theatre back: Thescon, Bobby G,  travel to NYC, scholarships, five shows last year---hell, one of my kids won a STATE wide activities award.

       But I can't stop the steady decline in building enrollment.

       I can't stop the revolving door in choir and band.

      I can't stop the change in administration.

       I can't stop the evisceration of performing arts at our only feeder school.

      I can't stop the fact that when you google our building a shooting comes up.

      The principal cut IB theatre.

       Then she cut my mid level classes, leaving me with only beginning and advanced.

       She cut tech theatre.

       And I have to return next week as half time theatre/half time LA 12. Leaving me no opportunity to recruit, or bring back IB, or even get a musical mounted.


       I am clearly not wanted, so I will go.

       I can't put the energy in if I'm half time, and I will not. There's no point, that building does Not Want Me.

       So I will chronicle the last year of a 22 year teaching "career".

       Assuming I make it to 1 August. It's not looking great.

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