Thursday, April 16, 2020

26 Letters, 26 Days

A Announcement over the school intercom on 12 March 2020, telling everyone to take everything home with them over spring break, and then the email at 4 pm announcing "extended spring break" and our realization that we weren't coming back.
 Also Animal Crossing,which is keeping my daughter connected to her friends as they meet up and steal fruit from one another's islands.
B The Bouncing Ball movie watching game that my husband and I made up. We started at Birdcage and are still going. You have to choose an actor from the movie, then watch another movie they are in, selecting your next actor, and so on. And you can't double up actors unless you're stuck. For Instance Little Miss Sunshine got us Steve Carell, but Despicable Me was a dead end, so we had to watch Despicable Me 2 to get Benjamen Bratt and move to Miss Congeniality. TV shows don't count and he won't let internet stuff count. Also, we seem to land on movies he likes the majority of the time. It's like "Six Degrees To Kevin Bacon" I suppose, but we aren't using Kevin Bacon.
Cats. None are mine, yet four live with me. They were glad I was home for about ten minutes, when they realized I was not giving them tuna 24/7, they returned to sleeping on my bed. "Covid" is too easy a word choice.
D  Dogs. Also not mine, but three of them are here, hopeful that my continued presence in the house is going to translate to many walks a day and treats. Not as smart as the cats, they haven't figured out the truth yet, and still hold on to hope
E Elephant at the Denver Zoo. The first online learning opportunity I saw for kids out of school was two staff members of the zoo with the elephants. The elephants do not care about learning opportunities, or know how important they are to our collective sanity. They just are.
F Furlough if you're lucky fired if you are not.
G Gigs. Gigs are gone. Buh bye, gigs.
H Howl. 8 pm. Yes.
I Icky.
J John Krasinski "Some Good News".
K King, Stephen. Prophet. We're living one of his novels.
L Lost. Loafing. Languishing. That's it, that's the one.
M Masks. Costumers, teachers with sewing machines, it's maskapalloosa.
N Neighbors out walking and riding bikes. It's more than in the summer, it's actual traffic.
O Online teaching.
P Pay cut, for those fortunate enough to still be employed.
Q My friend the drag queen, who lost all of her gigs and started wishing people Happy Birthday online like Samuel L. Jackson. Quarantine was too easy a word choice.
R Relief, refund. Our car insurance Liberty Bibberty is refunding 15 % of our payment for two months because we are clearly not driving as much.
S School's out for may be out forever. Alice Cooper is another prophet. Also for Stimulus checks, small business. Shelter in place is too easy a phrase.
T Take out only, aka "curbside pickup", teddy bears in windows, toilet paper not on shelves.
U Umbrella. The pink umbrella sheltering our "window" teddy bear. He could not be seen from the window, in fact he looked very Emily Dickinson up there, so we moved him to he front yard in a lawn chair. As it has decided to snow and rain, I gave him an umbrella to hide under. Our neighbors now identify us as the house with the umbrella bear. Also USPS, buy stamps, sign the petition.
V Vail got hit first, possibly worst? That Florida Lt. Governor was grouchy that Polis shut down the ski areas and ruined his family vacation. Which starts with "v", and are over, too.
W Weight. Gain. Ugh.
X The look of a shuttered pub, lights off, parking lot empty. They aren't physically shuttered...yet...
You Tube. The old new sensation for the over achieving generation of lip syncing and dance off families that I watch from my chair.
Z The Denver Zoo was the first I saw to go live online for student learning. They're listed twice because they're cool.

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